Thursday 14 February 2013

Spinach Smoothie

I have been having too much fun lately playing with the 'norms' of food. Spinach in a smoothie, sounds kinda questionable to me.  Mom always used to make carrot and spinach juice concoctions and they never looked very good...sorry mom.  I do not recall ever tasting them because what young gal would want to DRINK SPINACH for breakfast? 

I have recently been trying to include a copious amount of fiber in my diet and have seen a few friends making spinach smoothies with berries and different fruits.  I figured maybe mixed with all sorts of tasty fruits the color and taste of the spinach could be disguised.  Well thanks to my new obsession, Pinterest, I found a recipe.  It looked simple and promised that it tasted great. 

It was simple to make, a bright and vibrant colour, and a consistency that matched my usual morning smoothies.  This last point is particularly important for me, I do not like runny smoothies, or ones so thick you have to eat with a spoon, this one here was perfect!

My Spinach Smoothie Recipe
1 banana
1/2 cup of vanilla soy yogurt
1 cup of fat free soy milk
1 tbs homemade almond butter
1 tbs wheat bran
4 cups of spinach

Add everything except the spinach to your food processor or blender and chop well.  I only have a small food processor so I added my spinach one cup at a time and chopped in between, if you have a larger machine you could do it all in one shot.  Once you have all the ingredients mixed together puree the mix until it is nice and smooth. 

 I left my smoothie the gorgeous vibrant green and topped with a few raspberries, you can experiment with adding different fruits (or veggies) to your smoothie but I thought this one was amazing just the way it was :)

I had some of my smoothie left over (there was too much to fit in my glass) so I poured it into a ramekin dish and threw it in the freezer to be a tasty post yoga snack!

Go Green and Enjoy!

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