Thursday 24 January 2013

Almond Butter

When mom was out to visit this summer she got me into almond butter.  I love it on crackers, toast, in my smoothies and right off the spoon!  The only problem with loving almond butter that much is the cost of it in stores.  I remeber mom always making peanut butter when we were kids.  She just through them in the food processor until they were smooth and creamy.  I figured I could try the same method with almonds.

So I made my own almond butter!

I would suggest using a heavy duty food processor for this, I have a little kitchen aid one, it is great for chopping veggies and making smoothies but by the end of the process I was worried my little one was going to burn out.  I had to puree in short intervals to avoid getting my machine too hot,  a heavy duty mixer would handle this job much better.

Preheat your oven to 350F.  Spread your almonds on a parchment lined cookie sheet and bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes.  I left mine in a bit longer to really bring out the nutty flavour, be careful not to burn them though!  

Let them cool a bit, they blend better when they are still warm.  Put them in your mixer and mix.  And keep mixing....and mix some more.  They need a good 10-15 mins to really get the smooth creamy consistency.  Dont forget to scrape the sides down!

Once the almond butter has reached a consistency you are satisfied with (lots of taste testing required) which just happens to be my favorite part :)  Pour into a container or a mason jar and voila, your own homemade almond butter for a fraction of the cost of store bought stuff. 
